Rekindling Your Desire: Finding Joy in Christ Above All

At this point in the year any new year resolutions we made might be losing their luster a little. Building new habits is difficult! That said, if the desire we have to overcome the struggle is great enough, the reward of cultivating the new goal carries us through the pain.
In light of this idea and season, I wanted to take some time and talk about desire. The word desire in Psalm 73:25 is ḥāp̄ēṣ and it means delighting in something (or Someone in this case). I love how the psalmist says basically "everything else in the world pales to you, Lord." Next to our love for him, any other love or delight should naturally look less.
Of course, this isn’t always the case. How often do our families, homes or careers take center stage when we think about things that bring us joy? How often have we sat delighting in His presence like we do with our families? These are wonderful gifts God has given us, but they’re given to point to the best of all: Christ.
One way I’ve begun testing and re-aligning myself to put Christ as my center-stage is to spend time telling him things I'm thankful for and love about him in my journal each day. Instead of starting the day with a list of people or things I delight in and am thankful for, I begin with the main one: Him. Sometimes it’s simple like “I love that you’re the Savior - thank you!” Sometimes it’s longer like “I love that you’re infinitely creative and I’ll never reach the end discovering all the colors, textures and shapes you’ve created- thank you!”
My encouragement for us this week friends is to find fresh ways to delight in him. Whatever we do that helps us keep our focus on delighting in Christ above all, I pray memorizing this Scripture helps us, friends. If you’re joining along with us, happy memorizing!
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