Alive and on Fire: Discovering True Life Through Seeking God
Turning from old lifestyles and habits and coming to know the Lord changes everything. Amos knew this well. He warned the people of Israel throughout his prophetic book to stop worshiping other gods and running after the things of the world. God isn’t pleased with lip service or empty religious activities either. He desires his people to seek him. He desires us to know him- and live.
Some key takeaways from this verse will help us understand just how incredible this verse is.
“For thus says the Lord..”
Even if I’ve read Scripture a hundred thousand times, I’ll never fully get used to the idea that the Lord Almighty- the Maker of everything- desires to say something to us. To me. To you. The One who keeps the world together makes space and time for a relationship with us. Let’s hold that truth close to our hearts.
“Seek me..”
Of all the things he could tell the Israelites to do at this time of their moral failure, God chooses closeness. Even at their worst, he doesn't command them to sacrifice more, give more, or even serve more. He says “Seek me.” This is a very practical way to begin our days and any season of repenting. First, seek him. The rest will come out of time spend with him.
“..and live”
This kind of living is a reviving kind. It is quickening what was once dead. We weren’t brought from death to live merely to have pretty good days, some nice stuff, good families and nice holidays. Of course, those aren’t bad things. But we were made to come alive, to set the world on fire with the passion we’ve been given by this new flame of the Lord’s love burning inside of us.
Friends, it is time to start hearing our God, seeking him and truly living!
We pray this verse encourages you this week and if you’re memorizing with us, happy memorizing!
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